New for APA 7th ed. - Course materials are now cited as references, not personal communication as it was in the 6th ed.
When course materials such as a syllabus, lecture notes, or presentation slides (e.g., PowerPoint) are available only through a course website or course management systems (e.g., NMU EduCat, Moodle, or Blackboard), create reference entry using the following examples (Manual, p. 347, example # 102).
Reference entry includes: author, date of publication, title with format type in square brackets, name of course management system (if applicable), and URL. If retrieved from course management system, provide login URL, not the exact URL of the content.
Slides from within a course management system, full date indicated
Robinia, K. (2018, October 18). Defending your practice: How to prevent a lawsuit [PowerPoint slides]. NMU EduCat.
How to cite this work in-text:
Parenthetical: (Robinia, 2018)
Narrative: Robinia (2018)
Direct quote: (Robinia, 2018, Slide 2)
Slides from within a course management system, only year indicated
Imdieke, S. (2019). Organizing for effective reading instruction [PowerPoint slides]. NMU EduCat.
How to cite this work in-text:
Parenthetical: (Imdieke, 2019)
Narrative: Imdieke (2019)
Direct quote: (Imdieke, 2019, Slide 3)
Additional materials provided by publisher to accompany textbook
Note that example below reflect that content did not have an author. Also note that [Supplemental material] notation is a format designation, not part of the original title.
Stage IV--First 4 hours following delivery of the placenta [Supplemental material]. (2025). In M. E. Doenges, M. F. Moorhouse, A. C. Murr, C. Baughn, & M. Moore-Nadler, Nursing care plans: Guidelines for individualizing client care across the life span (11th ed.). F.A. Davis.
How to cite this work in-text:
Parenthetical: ("Stage IV--First 4 hours Following Delivery of the Placenta," 2025)
Narrative: "Stage IV--First 4 hours Following Delivery of the Placenta" (2025)
Direct quote: ("Stage IV--First 4 hours Following Delivery of the Placenta," 2025, p. 3)
Shortened title form, Parenthetical: ("Stage IV," 20259)
Shortened title form, Narrative: "Stage IV" (2025)
Citing article from Lippincott Advisor or Lippincott Advisor for Education. Entry is similar format to UpToDate or Cochrane article because content is only available in that database.
Access may vary depending on subscription version:
* Professional access directly to Lippincott Advisor * Student access directly to Lippincott Advisor * Student access to Lippincott Advisor for Education either direct login or through other Lippincott products
Use the following examples depending on which form of access.
Similar to APA example for UpToDate, provide only the year of publication, not complete revised/updated date.
Since content is behind a paywall/subscription, provide login source URL, not exact URL of the content.
Include date of retrieval because content is designed to change and is not archived.
Cite Lippincott Advisor
Diabetes mellitus (Type 2). (2020). Lippincott Advisor. Retrieved March 14, 2021, from
How to cite this work in-text:
Parenthetical: ("Diabetes Mellitus [Type 2]," 2020)
Narrative: "Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2)" (2020)
Direct quote: ("Diabetes Mellitus [Type 2]," 2020, Overview section, para. 1)
Shortened title form, Parenthetical: ("Diabetes Mellitus," 2020)
Shortened title form, Narrative: "Diabetes Mellitus" (2020)
Shortened title form, Direct quote: ("Diabetes Mellitus," 2020, Overview section, para. 1)
Cite Lippincott Advisor for Education
Diabetes mellitus (Type 2). (2020). Lippincott Advisor for Education. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from
How to cite this work in-text:
Parenthetical: ("Diabetes Mellitus [Type 2]," 2020)
Narrative: "Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2)" (2020)
Direct quote: ("Diabetes Mellitus [Type 2]," 2020, Overview section, para. 1)
Shortened title form, Parenthetical: ("Diabetes Mellitus," 2020)
Shortened title form, Narrative: "Diabetes Mellitus" (2020)
Shortened title form, Direct quote: ("Diabetes Mellitus," 2020, Overview section, para. 1)