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Clinical Sciences, Radiography, & Surgical Tech: UpToDate

Professor & Reference/Distance Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Michael Strahan
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When/Where is Mike Available?
Schedule a meeting with Mike weekdays 1-5pm, 8pm-11pm ET

Gries Hall Room 32 (temp until 2026)
Library Map in Gries

Access UpToDate

NMU subscription includes UpToDate Advanced with Pathways (interactive decision support) and Lab Interpretation Monographs (both added 7/2024).

Click here to view brief UpToDate Advanced tutorial (prepared by Wolters Kluwer)

Access Mobile App & directions for every 90 days confirming NMU affiliation

  1. If you plan on using UpToDate on your phone/mobile device, click on this Mobile Access link which includes the UpToDate app or at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Important: When using the mobile app, every 90 days UpToDate needs to verify you are affiliated with NMU. Ten days before your mobile access expires, you will receive a message on your phone / mobile device stating:

    Your remote and mobile app access to UpToDate will expire in 10 days.

    To maintain uninterrupted access to UpToDate, confirm your affiliation with your institution by logging in to UpToDate from a computer connected to your organization's network

  3. To confirm your affiliation, using a laptop/desktop (not your phone/tablet), click here to login to NMU's subscription to UpToDate
    (Note that it may take a couple of days for the countdown message to disappear.)
  4. If you encounter problems logging into UpToDate, or unable to access at all, please contact Professor Mike Strahan (nursing librarian) using one of the methods in the box on the left of these directions.