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Clinical Sciences, Radiography, & Surgical Tech: Find Articles

Professor & Reference/Distance Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Michael Strahan
he, him, his

When/Where is Mike Available?
Schedule a meeting with Mike weekdays 1-5pm, 8pm-11pm ET

Gries Hall Room 32 (temp until 2026)
Library Map in Gries

Databases to find Articles/Information

OneSearch (advanced search screen)
Use this link to access the advanced search screen, where users may indicate which fields to search (e.g., title, author, or subject) instead of everything. Also allows the searcher to set some limits (material type such as books or journals, language, and publication years) before running the search.

Note: as of 7/1/24 includes UpToDate Advanced with Pathways (interactive decision support), and Lab Interpretation Monographs

Click here to view brief UpToDate Advanced tutorial (prepared by Wolters Kluwer)