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Zotero Research Manager: Customization (Version 7.x)

General Customization Info

Zotero is a free Web application developed for Google Chrome, FireFox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, & Safari web browsers, and integrates with word processing programs such as MS Word & Google Docs. It allows you to quickly cite in-text and format references in a multitude of styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc.). Zotero allows you to collect, manage, cite, and share references you've collected for your research.

This guide will walk you through modifying the default Zotero configuration under the Settings and View menu choices to customize/personalize Zotero.

This guide is intended for both users who have just installed Zotero for the first time, or seasoned users who want to tweak Zotero Version 7.

If you already have entries loaded into a past Zotero installation, we recommend you backup your Zotero folder before proceeding, and then after completing customizing, copy your old Zotero folder to a new location on either the Desktop or in Documents.

Please connect to the Internet while configuring Zotero.

If you have not yet downloaded and installed Zotero, please see the Installation tab on this guide for directions with screen shots.


Access Settings by Choosing the Edit Menu:

Zotero settings under Edit






That will display the Zotero Settings screen:







Note that the boxes below assume you are already viewing the Zotero Settings screen.

Appearance & Language

Zotero 7 now has a Dark Mode setting.

Choose it under the General menu screen:


You may also change the language on the line below.

Choose or Change the Data Directory folder where Zotero saves sources files & program info

The steps below assume you have just installed Zotero & do not have any entries in it.

However, if your Zotero already contains entries, scroll to the bottom of this box for further directions.

You need to decide where to save your Zotero files & retrieved articles. We highly recommend saving to either Documents, or to the Desktop (makes it much easier when migrating to a new computer or quickly backing up), so the first step is to create a New folder in that place & name it: Zotero

Now we need to tell Zotero where this folder is located, so on the Settings Menu, on the left choose: Advanced
and then scroll down to Data Directory Location section:

Click on the Choose button:










* Locate the new folder you created & then click on Select Folder. The path will then appear in the Data Directory area.

Zotero will add the information to the screen similar to above, but with your username.

You are finished changing the data directory. You may continue looking at other settings on this library guide.



If your Zotero already contains entries, follow these directions.

According to their official website, the default location of the Zotero Data Directory is as follows:

Windows 7 & higher:   C:\Users\<User Name>\Zotero

MacOS:   /Users/<username>/Zotero

If you wish to move the folder to an easier location on your computer, perform the following:

* While on the Settings screen, click on the Advanced menu choice on the left.

* Scroll down until you see: Data Directory Location

* Click on the Show Data Directory button:










* That will open the Zotero folder on your computer.

* You Must Close Zotero

* While viewing the Zotero folder on your computer, go up a level & copy the Zotero folder.

* Go to the location where you wish to move the Zotero files & paste the folder.

* Run Zotero & return to the Settings - Advanced Screen & scroll down to Data Directory Location section.

* Click on the Choose button:










* Locate the new folder you created & then click on Select Folder. The path will then appear in the Data Directory area.

Zotero will add the information to the screen similar to above, but with your username.

You are finished changing the data directory. You may continue looking at other settings on this library guide.


Library Lookup - Retrieve works online through the Library's subscriptions

Use this to quickly search library holdings from within a Zotero entry to retrieve materials held online & incorporated into a Zotero entry.

On the General screen, scroll down to Locate section.


Make the following changes:

For Resolver: 
If you are at a university other than NMU, click on the drop arrow, choose continent, & then university. It will automatically provide the URL.
For NMU, change this setting to Custom

For the Base URL:
For NMU, copy & paste the following:
Note: the url above is specific to Northern Michigan University Lydia M. Olson Library for its faculty, staff, and students.

When you are finished, your screen should look like this:

Sync tab

Use only if you plan on creating an account & using storage on Zotero server for yourself or group work.

Sync is also beneficial if you are using multiple computers (e.g., work & home) to manage sources.

Enter the username & password used when you created account on Zotero web site.

Note that Sync does not replace making regular backups of your local Zotero files, and cannot be used to restore your Zotero files if your hard drive is damaged or requires re-imaging.



Export tab

This is another area where you should set the Default style you will use. Note that you may always change the default. 

Under the Item Format, click on the drop arrow to change style. This example shows the change to APA style 7th edition.

Cite tab -- Styles sub-tab - Very Important!

There are over 10,000 citation styles available for Zotero including many styles based on individual journal titles. Zotero only comes configured with the more popular styles but you may add any of the other styles while inside of Zotero.

After clicking on the Cite tab, locate the style from the list & click on it to select.

If you do not see your specific style, click on the Get additional styles... link (see screen shot below) which will open the Zotero Style Repository, and you may search for your style. Left-click on the style name to select, which will then load that template into Zotero.




Citation Options - Real important especially for APA, MLA, & Chicago styles

Staying the Cite screen, check the box next to the label: Include URLs of paper articles in references

See screen below:

Cite tab --Word Processors sub-tab

It is highly recommended using the classic insert citation interface, as instead of providing a search bar, Zotero opens to your list of entries.

Staying on the Cite screen, check the box next to the label: Use classic Add Citation dialog

See screen below:


You are now ready to use Zotero. Please also look at the next column for Layout, Font Size, & Column settings.

As with most things, Zotero is not perfect. Always check your citations for accuracy. Zotero will not correct data or capitalize titles for instance. Be sure to check the data for each citation. You can always edit the citations in Zotero.


Access Layout & Font settings by choosing the View Menu:







That will display the View settings:

Zotero View Menu






Note that the boxes below assume you are already seeing the View screen.


On the Layout menu, you may adjust the display to either:

Standard View (3 columns: folders, list of entries, specific entry)


or Stacked View (2 columns: folders, list of entries & specific entry underneath):

Font Size

Through the View Menu, Font Size submenu, can now adjust the Font Size to either Bigger or Smaller

Changing Entries List Columns

For the entries list, users may also select specific columns, and add specific columns.

To rearrange columns, simply drag & drop.