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Government Documents: Legal Resources

Reference, Documents & Maps Librarian

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Bruce Sarjeant
Lydia Olson Library, Gries Hall #36
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Ave
Marquette, MI 49855

Legal Resources at the Olson Library

The law resources in Olson Library can help you to:

  • Find the text of federal and state laws and regulations.
  • Find interpretations of federal and state laws given in the courts.
  • Trace the legislative history of bills.
  • Keep up-to-date on legislation, court decisions, and administrative rulings in general and specific fields.

The law collection covers most federal law, but it is by no means complete.  The library has state court decisions only for Michigan, but you may find more recent decisions for other states by consulting the general web resources.  Nearly all legal material has moved online.

Use OneSearch to locate books on various legal topics.  Also used to determine if the library owns a particular law journal.

Major resources for legal materials:

Westlaw Next.  Our major legal database. Provides access to a variety of legal information, including federal and state case law, the United States Code Annotated, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Federal Register, state statutes and administrative codes, and more.  Also included are 900 law journals and reviews.

HeinOnline.  This is a legal research database containing comprehensive coverage of U.S. statutory materials, U.S. Congressional Documents and more than 2,600 scholarly journals.  Also includes databases on legal topics such as LGBTQ+ Rights, Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law, Religion and the Law, and COVID-19: Pandemics Past and Present.

Legal Source. Includes over 1,200 full-text journals and over 2.5 million records, including book reviews and case citations.  Offers information centered on the discipline of law and legal topics such as criminal justice, international law, organized crime, ethics, the environment.  Brought to you by the Library of Michigan via the Michigan eLibrary (

Legal Information Source.  Contains thousands of legal forms and more than 310 full-text legal reference books.  Brought to you by the Library of Michigan via the Michigan eLibrary (

Want to follow a legal blog?  Find one at this link.

Black's Law Dictionary.  Latest edition is online from WestlawNext, 7th edition in print KF 156 B53.   The 2nd edition is free online.

Official Guide to ABA (American Bar Association)-Approved JD Programs.  Online from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC).

Burton, William C. Legal Thesaurus.  In print, KF 156 B856.

Schlueter, Linda L. and Niesel, Zoe E. Legal Research Guide: Patterns and Practice.  KF240 .R63 2019.

Tucker, Virginia. Finding the Answers to Legal Questions.

Primary Research Group.  Law Librarian Use of Google and its Apps & Features. 

Healey, Paul D. Legal Reference for Librarians: How and Where to Find the Answers.  Hey, even if you aren't a librarian....

Stein, Stuart. Law on the Web.

Cohen, Morris. Legal Research in a Nutshell.  KF 240 C54 2013

Nolo's Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions.

Legal Terms & Definitions from

Garner, Bryan A.  Garner's Dictionary of Legal Usage.  KF 156 .G367 2011

Introduction to Legal Research on WestLaw Next (this database is our main legal resource here at NMU).

Levy, Leonard Williams.  Encyclopedia of the American Constitution.  KF 4548 .E53 1986

Oxford Companion to American Law.  Online and print KF 154 .O96 2002.

LexisNexis.  Michigan Law and Practice Encyclopedia.  KFM 4265 M5.  The legal encyclopedia for Michigan law.    

Gale Encyclopedia of American Law.

American Law Reports. Attorney-written articles that cite, summarize, and analyze case law on a particular legal issue. In WestlawNext, click on "Secondary Sources".

Statutes, Laws and Codes

  • United States Statutes at Large.  KF 50 A2.  The permanent collection of all laws, public and private, passed by Congress during each session. It also includes concurrent resolutions, reorganization plans, proposed and ratified amendments to the Constitution, and presidential proclamations.  NMU holdings are mostly complete: vols. 1,8,10-11,13-14,16-63,70-present; 1789-present.  Online in their entirety from the Government Publishing Office.  Less so from from and from The Library of Congress.
  • United States Code Annotated (USCA).  Online from WestlawNext.  The entire body of federal law currently in force, organized into 50 subject divisions (titles).  Includes references to court decisions and articles related to particular laws.  The United States Code (USC) is freely available from the House of Representatives and from the Government Publishing Office, but neither contains the annotated information (court decisions, articles, etc.) found in the USCA. Cornell has an online U.S.C. that is generated from the House version.

Federal Court Decisions

  • Supreme Court Reporter.  In addition to providing the complete decisions of the Supreme Court, including dissenting opinions, this resource contains the headnotes of the major points of law for each case.  In WestlawNext.
  • United States Reports, v. 389- ; 1967- present    KF 101 A3.  Complete decisions of the Supreme Court, including dissenting opinions.  Does not contain headnotes.  Available online from several sources including the Supreme Court, Library of Congress, and FindLaw.  
  • Federal Reporter.  Online from WestlawNext.  Contains the complete decisions of cases decided from the U.S. Courts of Appeal and Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals.  The Court of Appeals decisions for each circuit are also available online (date of coverage varies by circuit, but generally is around 1995 to the present).
  • Federal Supplement.  Online from WestlawNext.  Contains the complete decisions of selected cases decided in the U.S. District Courts and U.S. Customs Court.  District Court information is available on the Web, but is highly variable from one court to another.  Most courts will provide links to opinions, but some do not.

Administrative Rulings


  • Congressional Record.  Various holdings in the Olson Library: 1873-1919 in microfilm [KF 35]; 1919-1980 cumulative editions in stacks [KF 35].  This publication is the transcripts of all debates held on the floor of Congress.  Daily editions are indexed every two weeks.  Cumulated for each session of Congress. Indexes by bill or resolution number, name and subject. Indexes also include a section entitled "History of Bills and Resolutions" which gives a legislative history of each bill introduced.  Available online from several resources: The Bound Edition from Government Publishing Office back to 1873, daily edition from the Government Publishing Office (1994-on), Hein Online, from Congress itself

Statutes, Laws, and Codes

  • Public and Local Acts of the Legislature.  In the library KFM 4225 A2.  The official publication of all laws passed by the Michigan Legislature. An annual publication with laws published complete and in the order in which they were passed.  The Public and Local Acts of the Legislature is available online from 1995.
  • Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated (MCLA).  Available in WestlawNext.  The entire current law of Michigan arranged into subject divisions. Contains references to relevant court decisions.
  • Michigan Compiled Laws.  KFM 4230 1979 A23.  Same as Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated but does not contain references to court decisions.  The current Michigan Compiled Laws is available on the Web; older copies are in the library.
  • Michigan Law and Practice Encyclopedia.  KFM 4265 M5.

Court Decisions

Digests: These are subject indexes to court decisions. A short summary or headnote is provided for the point of law discussed in each case listing.
  • WestlawNext.  Indexes Michigan (in addition to national) court cases and Federal cases arising in or appealed from Michigan.  Click on Cases, then select Michigan.
  • Michigan Courts: Cases, Opinions & Orders.  Search results include links to PDF copies of unpublished Court of Appeals opinions issued since July 1996, Supreme Court opinions and published Court of Appeals opinions issued since January 2001, Court of Appeals orders issued after January 1, 2005, and Supreme Court orders issued after September 21, 2005.
  • North Western Reporter 2nd.  Online in Westlaw Next.  Contains the complete decisions of the Michigan Supreme Court and Michigan Court of Appeals.  The decisions are the same as those that appear in the official editions.  All three sets are indexed in the Michigan Digest.
  • Michigan Case law from Justia.  
  • Citators provide access to the judicial history and interpretations of reported court cases, verify the current status of each case, and locate earlier cases that have been cited in later court cases.  WestlawNext has its KeyCite feature (pdf link).  You can use this feature to view the history of a case, statute, administrative decision, or regulation to help determine whether it is good law and to retrieve citing references.

Administrative Rulings

  • Michigan Register.  This publication is the state version of the monthly Federal Register.  It contains new and proposed rules issued by state agencies.  Approved rules and regulations are compiled in the online version of the Michigan Administrative Code.  The Michigan Register is available on the Web from 1984 to the present.
  • Michigan Administrative Code.  Online from the State of Michigan and WestlawNext.  A compilation of administrative rules and regulations issued by various state agencies and departments. The Michigan Administrative Code, updated daily.

American Federal Tax Reports — series 1, v. 1-52 ; series 2, v. 1-83.    KF 6280 A27

Reports of the United States Tax Court (from the Court itself) or from WestlawNext.

Reports of the United States Board of Tax Appeals.  Available through HeinOnline

Tax Court Memorandum Decisions — v.1-31, 1942-1972    KF 6280 A226.

U.S. Tax Cases — v. 1-73, 1913-1973    KF 6280 A232.

United States Tax Reporter

  • Internal revenue code  v. 1-2 (loose-leaf)    KF 6277 U5
  • Income taxes v. 1-18 (loose-leaf)    KF 6365 U5 

The following mega-sites will be most useful in locating legislative and case law for states other than (but including) Michigan as well as introductory resources.  Although there is overlap between them, the dates of coverage for these resources are limited as is access to cases or other resources cited.  These sites also provide links to law schools, legal organizations or associations, international law, news, law journals, etc.

The basic citation form for any legal reference you may find is:

48 U.S. 661
volume number source page number


Holdings vary for each source listed below.  Consult the links for detailed holdings information.

Law abbreviations are not consistent, but in general the law materials available through the Olson Library are abbreviated in the following selected examples:

A.F.T.R. (RIA) American Federal Tax Reports (Research Institute of America) KF 6280 A27
A.F.T.R.2d (RIA) American Federal Tax Reports, second series (Research Institute of America) KF 6280 A27
B.T.A. Reports of the United States Board of Tax Appeals

Westlaw Next

C.F.R. Code of Federal Regulations Online at the Government Publishing Office
Am. Jur. 2d American Jurisprudence

Westlaw Next

E.R.C. Environment Reporter - Cases (Bureau of National Affairs)
F.R. Federal Register Online
F.2d Federal Reporter, Second Series

Westlaw Next

F.3d Federal Reporter, Third Series


F.Supp. Federal Supplement


F.Supp 2d Federal Supplement, Second Series


M.C.L. Michigan Compiled Laws KFM 4230 1979 A23 and online
M.C.L.A. Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated


Mich. Michigan Reports

State of Michigan

Mich. App. Michigan Appeals Reports

State of Michigan

N.W.2d North Western Reporter, Second Series


S. Ct. Supreme Court Reporter


Stat. U.S. Statutes at Large KF 50 A2 &  
T.C. Reports of the Tax Court of the United States United States Tax Court
T.C.M. (CCH) Tax Court Memorandum Decisions (Commerce Clearing House) KF 6280 A226
U.S. U.S. Reports KF 101 A3 and online
U.S.C. U.S. Code Online only
U.S.C.A. U.S. Code Annotated


U.S. Tax Cas.
(CCH) U.S. Code Annotated
U.S. Tax Cases (Commerce Clearing House) KF 6280 A23


For abbreviations not listed above consult some of the following sources:

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation  (This is the Bible of legal citations) 2 locations: One is kept at the Library Service Desk, and the other can be checked out.  KF 245 B58
Understanding and mastering The bluebook: a guide for students and practitioners KF 245 .B37 2007
Michigan Appellate Opinion Manual (for Michigan, sets forth the Court's current standards for citation of authority, quotation, and style in opinions of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals) Online
Common Legal Citations and Where to Find Them (Michigan and Federal) Online
Common Abbreviations and Legal Citation Examples for Selected Federal Government Documents: Legislative, Regulatory and Statutory Online